What if I told you that family photos aren't just for holiday cards or a new canvas for your mantle? As a wife, homeschooling mom, teacher, and photographer, I know firsthand how easy it is to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of daily life and push aside the things that don't seem as pressing or urgent. But as someone who has experienced the joy and value of soaking up the moment and enjoying it for years to come through beautiful artwork and albums, I also know that investing in family photos is something you won't regret. Here are 5 reasons you may not have realized you need family photos:

1. To celebrate the present moment - It's so easy to get caught up in the future, whether it's worrying about what's coming next or planning for the next big milestone. But the present moment is all we have, and family photos are a beautiful way to celebrate and freeze-frame the joy and togetherness of your family as it is right now. It's easy to overlook the beauty in the everyday, but it's these simple moments that make up the fabric of our lives. Family photos are a way to celebrate and document the beauty of the mundane, and remind us of the joy that can be found in the simple things.

2. To capture the fleeting stages of life - Kids grow up so fast, and it's all too easy to miss the little moments that make up their childhoods. Professional family photos are a way to freeze-frame these precious stages of life and look back on them with joy and nostalgia.

3. To create heirlooms for future generations - Family photos are more than just pretty pictures on the wall - they're heirlooms that will be treasured by future generations. Imagine being able to look back on beautiful, professional photos of your family and pass them down to your children and grandchildren.

4. To boost your confidence and self-esteem - As a busy mom, it's easy to feel like you're not doing enough or not living up to your potential. But professional family photos are a way to celebrate and document the love and joy in your family, and can serve as a powerful reminder of all that you have accomplished and all that you have to be proud of. Whether you display the photos in your home or simply keep them as a special reminder for yourself, they can serve as a powerful boost to your confidence and self-esteem.

5. To create a special bonding experience - Family photos aren't just about the finished product, they're also about the experience of creating them together. Taking the time to plan and participate in a family photo session can be a special bonding experience that brings you all closer together. Whether you're laughing and playing during the session or simply enjoying each other's company, the time you spend together during the photo shoot is just as valuable as the finished product. Plus, having professional photos taken gives you an excuse to dress up and feel extra special, which can be a fun experience in and of itself. So don't just think of family photos as a way to document your life, also consider the joy and connection that can be had in the process itself.

Sometimes, taking the time to invest our time and energy into an opportunity to highlight and enjoy the best parts of our life can give us a breath of refreshment and inspiration to tackle everything else on our plates. It reframes all our pursuits through a reassurance that we are, in fact, doing alright. There is grace for our shortcomings and encouragement for our successes!