all the tips for Fun Family Photos

A little bit of prep goes a long way...

Planning for your family photo session can be stressful when it feels like you don't know what you should be considering as you prepare. That's what your photographer is for! Outfits are usually the first thing that come to mind, and I have a whole separate post about that. But if you're including your precious littles in your session, sometimes it feels like all you can do is cross your fingers that they'll be cooperative on that day. And if my own kids are any reference, they'll likely smell your apprehension (much like a predatory animal) and decide to be as oppositional as possible. But I'm sure that's only my kids and none of yours. ;)

Anyway — my heart for our session is that it is a smooth, fun, stress-free time filled with connection, gratitude, and joy. So please consider this a proverbial buffet of tips and tricks; take what you like and leave the rest!

Preparing Kids: Oddly enough, one of the first tips is to avoid OVER-preparing your kids for the session. Sometimes our best efforts to tell them how they need to act, what’s going to happen, or any potential bribes that may await actually end up backfiring and creating pressure or resentment. You can just share that you’re going to have a family fun day to play and explore while someone takes your picture. Similarly, they don’t need to be looking at the camera or practicing their smile — we’re going for authenticity and I’ve got a bag of tricks that brings out genuine enjoyment. During the session, feel free to engage with them over a cool leaf or a pretty cloud as I guide you all, and as much as possible, try to avoid stern talks or discipline. It’s helpful to wrangle them back if they run off, but otherwise I’m usually able to keep everyone focused on having fun.

Surprise After the Session: Along the same lines, one of the “best practices” I’ve heard about is to plan a special treat to enjoy after the photo session. Whether it’s going out for dessert, playing a family game, or going to the kids’ favorite place, you can share that it’s just going to be a fun day of family time with a walk, some photos, some playtime, and a treat at the end. It will set the tone for the whole day. 

Relaxing Before Session: On the flip side, it’s a great idea to avoid planning a lot of other stuff on the same day BEFORE our session. The more relaxed and easygoing everyone is, the more smoothly it goes. Similarly, it’s better for kids to be energetic and enthusiastic rather than tired and hungry, which leads me to my next point… 

AVOID HANGER AT ALL COSTS! We want to make sure everyone has eaten well before the session, but if your kids are anything like mine, snacks are always a must. Something quick and clean is a good idea — fruit snacks, grapes, apple slices, mini marshmallows. Please avoid messy or troublesome things like crackers, chocolate, gum, or anything else that’s messy or takes a long time to eat. You also don’t need to tell them that you brought snacks but can just whip out a small handful as a last resort when needed. 

Final Outfit Preparation: Definitely try on all outfits ahead of time. Yes, even the kids. The impact of any uncomfortable detail, no matter how small, can be huge. We definitely want to ensure everyone is comfortable, happy, and can move freely. Another way to make this easier is to try to give your kids a sense of autonomy over their outfits as well, if you’re able to provide a few options that you’d be okay with. The idea that something was their choice tends to help us avoid a fight before the session of trying to get them into the clothes we want.

Planning for Naps or Hesitation: If there is a risk that anyone might fall asleep on the drive to the session, or if you know that your kids would do better with a little time to warm up before we dive right in, please try to get to the location a bit early so they don’t feel rushed right away. They can explore a little (if they can stay clean, ha!) or just go for a short walk with you. 

Things You Might Want to Bring: “Clean” snacks for the kids, anything you use to touch up hair and makeup beforehand (flyaway spray, lipstick, setting spray, etc.), a water bottle, and changes of clothes and shoes (just in case, and also for comfort if you’d rather walk in one pair of shoes and wear another for the photos). On the flip side, I’d suggest trying to avoid having your child bring a toy that’s hard to part with during the photos. Instead, you can encourage them to explore the area and find something fun to play with.

The Schedule the Day Of: And now we come to my most important and helpful tip: backward planning. From the time of our session, work backward and create a rough schedule to include everything you need to do. Add extra cushion between each thing. Why? Because if you finish early, you’ll have a chance to relax. If you’re running behind, it’s setting yourself up for anxiety or stress. Taking some time to think ahead and list it all out is a way to take care of future you.

Apprehension About the Session Itself: Please hear me when I say virtually everyone I have ever worked with has confessed that they feel uncomfortable or unsure in front of the camera. Rest assured that it’s totally normal, and I absolutely can relate as I feel like an awkward T-Rex when I’m on the other side of the lens. But rest assured, I will be guiding everyone through the session and ensuring a comfortable time of ease, connection, and fun.

The Ultimate Perspective: Finally, keep the goal in mind. Our time together is crafted around the desire to spend meaningful time with those you love most, to be reminded of all the things you appreciate about each other, and to set aside the demands of life for a few hours to simply enjoy one another in a beautiful place. If you’re anything like me, details being changed or things not working the way you intended can feel like they’re going to ruin the whole thing. However, it’s often those funny little details that we didn’t expect that make us smile for years to come (like my daughter’s obnoxiously bright Crocs in our family photos one year because she suddenly hated her shoes). But once the session day arrives, as much as you can, try to let everything be “water off a duck’s back”. You’ve done your best and some things are beyond your control, so now you can just focus on making enjoyment your number one priority.

Whew! Have I overwhelmed you? I hope not! Again — take what you like and leave the rest. If you’re someone who loves ALL THE INFO, then I hope I’ve satisfied you. If this giant list makes you stressed, then feel free to skim the headers and only pay attention to what you think might help (although if you're here, you've probably made it through somehow, haha). Either way, we’re going to have a great time together and you’re going to enjoy the gift of seeing your lovely family in a new way, and that’s what counts!

Bay Area Family Photos